Kickstart to BugBounty Hunting in 2021

2 min readDec 19, 2020

Hey! everyone

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

I just want to give you an overview of what are the prerequisites to find bugs and how can you start bug hunting

Learn the basics of networking

Learn Linux and how to use linux

When you are done with above you can proceed with web application security basics…

Learn the building blocks of web applications and how everything works behind the scenes including HTTP Methods, web design patterns, client and server-side components.

Understand modern deployment architectures such as single-page applications, microservices and serverless architecture

  1. Client-side Languages and Concepts
  2. Server-side Concepts
  3. Web Servers
  4. Web Communication — HTTP verbs

a. HTTP request method

b. HTTP response codes

c. HTTP headers and security

d. HTTP access control

e. HTTP authentication

f. HTTP cookies


6. Data Storage — Database Servers

a. SQL

b. NoSQL

7. Web Application Architecture

a. Monolithic architecture

b. Single page applications

c. Microservices

d. Serverless architecture


“It is nothing but gathering complete information about the target”

  1. Domain Reconnaissance

a. Whois lookup

b. DNS lookup/reconnaissance

2. Network Scanning and Live Host Identification

3. Open Ports and Running Services

4. Identifying Architectures, Operating Systems and Frameworks

5. Spidering/Crawling Websites

6. Performing Directory Enumeration

7. Discovering Protected Resources

You can even use many tools I listed some of the tools which helps you while doing recon

1)Enumerating Common/Framework-specific Directories

→ DirBuster

→ Burpsuite

2) Cracking Webpages

→ Owasp Zap

→ Burpsuite

→ HTTrack

3) Web application vulnerability scanners

→ Nikto

→ OpenVAS

→ Nessus

→ Acutenix

4) XSS Scanner

→ XSSer

→ XSStrike by S0md3v

5) Attacking webservers

→ SQlmap

→ jSQl

6) Subdomain enumeration

→ Knockpy

→ Sublist3r

…. and the list goes on

When you got the good grip over web security and application you can move to OWASP top 10

●A1 Injection Attacks

● A2 Broken Authentication

● A3 Sensitive Data Exposure

● A4 XML External Entity

● A5 Broken Access Control

● A6 Security Misconfigurations

● A7 Cross-Site Scripting

● A8 Insecure Deserialization

● A9 Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities

● A10 Insufficient Logging & Monitoring

And the most important thing is always to practice things

Just by reading everything and watching tutorials doesn't make any sense Make sure you approach the things practically

Some of the best places to practice are

Owasp juice shop

Portswigger labs




Have fun!!

Enjoy the journey

Make sure you are updating your knowledge

Follow security guys on Twitter

join discord servers and participate in the chat

Prepare your notes

Always ask your questions to google only!

If you have any discussion feel free to ping me

👉 Twitter

👉 Linkedin

👉 Instagram




→ WebDev,Cyber security,Infosec,Penetration tester