Want to learn Git/Github?

“Collection of best resources on the internet”

3 min readJul 29, 2020

Hey…folks welcome to my blog!!

I was just surprised by the git community and the large impact they created on software developers.So i just want to make a good article so that who ever going to learn/want to start their git journey..A big Welcome🤞🤞

What is GIT?

GIT is a distributed version control system and source management system where we can store/change/emphasize/share our source code to other developers

What is Version Control?

Version control systems are a category of software tools that help a software team manage changes to source code over time.

Version control software keeps track of every modification to the code in a special kind of database.

If a mistake is made, developers can turn back the clock and compare earlier versions of the code to help fix the mistake while minimizing disruption to all team members.

I don’t want you to give again all the boring tutorial stuff ..so iam just giving some of the best findings on internet on git/github where u can learn,improve and practice your skills

So without any delay lets jump into it..

‘Free Resources to learn git and GitHub’

  1. Rated the best “Introduction to git and GitHub” tutorial by some guy who loves tutorials

2. Git introduction for “advanced beginners,” but are still struggling, in order to give you a simple strategy to safely experiment with git.

3. Learn Git in 15 minutes from within your browser for free

4. A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git.

5. How to get out of common git mistakes described in plain English

6. Various tutorials on using git

7. GitHub git cheat sheet PDF

8. Step by step Git tutorial desktop app.

9. A guide about what to do when things go wrong

10. Visual, cross-platform, and interactive git desktop application for version control.

11. Collection of most commonly used git tips and tricks.

12. Git Best Practices.

13. Git and GitHub learning resources.

14. freeCodeCamp’s wiki on git resources

15. Learn Git in the most visual and interactive way.

Extra resources(Updated):-

Feel free to ask if any doubts….☕

  1. Twittertwitter.com/harsha0x01
  2. Linkedinlinkedin.com/in/harsha-ambati/
  3. Githubgithub.com/Harsha-Ambati
  4. Instagraminstagram.com/harsha.ambati/


Written by Harsha

→ WebDev,Cyber security,Infosec,Penetration tester

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